How does movement, dance and choreography emerge in collaboration with site?

By Paula Kramer
An artist book based on embodied research into intermateriality that asks: how does movement, dance and choreography emerge in collaboration with site? More specifically: how do bodies, materials, sites, organisms, history, tuning and training and more intermingle and speak, bringing forth what we later might call movement, dance or choreography?
This book, Suomenlinna//Gropius – Two Contemplations on Body, Movement and Intermateriality, is an invitation to explore movement practice, dance and life in relationship to site and materiality; to rethink choreography and our human placedness as intermaterial; to rest in the images, the poetry; to breathe.
Come travel – to rocks, sea, wind, birds and more on Suomenlinna, island and sea fortress extraordinaire outside of Helsinki. And to Südplatz, the hidden and complex back side of Gropius-Bau, an exhibition centre for contemporary art in Berlin. With trees, and cobblestones, and fences, and history dark and history light, and people, and cars and dancing.
The book explores narration, poetry and theory born out of specific experiences of moving-dancing in and with site and is based on three years of post-doctoral research done at Uniarts Helsinki’s Centre for Artistic Research (CfAR).
Suomenlinna // Gropius – Two Contemplations on Body, Movement and Intermateriality. 2021, Triarchy Press, UK.
Contributing authors: Jagna Anderson, Annette Arlander, Björn Kröger, Kira O’Reilly and Ulrich Tempel
Photography: Venla Helenius, Sabine Zahn, Paula Kramer
Book design: Yimeng Wu (Studio Wu, Berlin)
Publisher: Triarchy Press (UK)
Centre for Artistic Research (CfAR), Uniarts Helsinki
Performing Arts Research Centre (TUTKE), Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki
Publication Council of the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki
The book is available through all bookstores and online ordering platforms, as well as directly from Triarchy Press and Paula Kramer.
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