A Joint Venture for the Entire Community
The state assisted in the construction of the building, but finance for its interior had to be obtained by other means.

‘Women’s Committee to promote interior decoration.’
- Helsingin Sanomat 24 February 1931
Getting the New Conservatory Building was a common goal for Finns. As this was not business but a ’purely public educational institution’, the use of State resources for it was considered fully acceptable. Businesses also showed their support for the project. For example, Weilin & Göös publishing house donated a large number of letterheads and envelopes to the newly created foundation.
The State assisted in building the building, but the funds for decorating the building had to be obtained by other means. For this purpose, grants were received and lotteries were organised. Newspapers reported on them and even urged readers to participate in the lotteries. Suomenmaa wrote on 17 October 1930: ‘At the end of the month, the Conservatory Foundation hopes that it will be able to “bring to the market” its somewhat unusual lottery tickets and dares to utter a dear wish for every music-loving woman and man in Finland to do their bit in order to enable the building of a home for the Conservatory.’
Women from different districts in Helsinki were invited to a tea party in Hotel Kämp to form a women’s committee to help decorate the future house. Uusi Suomi reported on the matter on 24 February 1931: ‘Yesterday, the Board of Trustees of the Conservatory Foundation hosted a tea party at Ylä-Kämppi, to which they had invited a group of women from different districts as guests. Many had followed the invitation. Professor Erkki Melartin and Master of Laws A. H. Paloheimo welcomed the guests and each woman received a bouquet of tulips and daffodils. When they had sat down by the small tables and each had been offered a cup of coffee or tea, beautiful music was played. Miss Maire Halava played a couple of piano pieces and Mr T. Ara sang a few songs.’
Art was placed in the new building by foundations and other parties. Sculptor Mauno Oittinen’s granite bust of Jean Sibelius was acquired by fund-raising the Conservatory’s immediate circle.

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Tässä blogissa Riku Hämäläinen kirjoittaa Taideyliopiston muistitietohankkeen vaiheista. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on kerätä entisten ja nykyisten opettajien, oppilaiden ja muun henkilökunnan muisteluita taideopetuksen historiasta, arjesta, toiminnasta, sattumuksista, jne. tulevaisuuden tutkimuksia varten. Filosofian tohtori, dosentti Riku Hämäläinen toimii Historiafoorumin yliopistotutkijana. Hän johtaa muistitietohanketta, johon kuuluu niin uuden aineiston kerääminen kuin jo olemassa olevan arkistomateriaalin saatavuuden parantaminen.
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