Call for Application 2025 – MA in Choreography: One classroom, two study options
Apply to one of the two study options in the MA programme in Choreography.

Start of Application period: January 8th 2025
Application Deadline: January 22ndth 2025 3pm (Finnish time)
Deadline for appendices: January 29th 3 pm Finnish time.
Length: two years, full-time, 2025-2027
Degree: Master of Arts (dance)
Language: English
Faculty: Prof. Kirsi Monni, Lecturer Jana Unmüßig and invited international guest artists
The two-year MA in Choreography programme at Uniarts Helsinki sways choreography as a context-responsive, research-based art practice. It discusses different approaches to choreography as knowledge production through dialogue and collegial collaboration. For the intake 2025, a new theoretical research study option will be piloted. In addition to training artist-practitioners, the new theoretical study option is a thrilling opportunity to study theoretisation of choreography alongside the artist-practitioner students.
The program offers:
- In-depth study of choreography as a distinct field of art combined with critical reflection of the potential of choreography in regards to a diverse set of contemporainities
- The Theatre Academy’s excellent studio spaces and performance facilities, jointly organised courses with other degree programmes and the rich varieties of Uniarts networks
- Exchange with students and faculty from the other Nordic MA Choreography programs as an integral part of the curriculum
- Tuition that covers modules such as Approaches to choreography and artistic practices, Perspectives on history and theory of choreography and performance, Art and Society and Artistic Research to foster each students’ very own take on choreography
- An introduction to the plentiful performing arts scene in Finland
- The geography of Helsinki allows a concentrated and focused study time
We look forward to receiving applications from applicants from all backgrounds, and diversities who are:
- keen to dive into in-depth choreographic research, and artistic productions as part of the studies through thorough artistic explorations
- eager to rethink multiple futures of choreography also on a discursive-theoretical level through analytical processes
- willing to bring their previous artistic and/or discursive work in close dialogue with current choreographic trends in Western and non-Western art practices and discourse
- curious to be actively engaged in a rich learning environment where peer learning is a key element
Please note that applicants need to demonstrate their English language proficiency in the application phase. You can demonstrate your language proficiency through previous education, an acceptable language test, or other studies. More info on demonstrating proficiency in English is here.
Koreografian koulutusohjelman blogi on keskustelun ja jakamisen paikka. Täällä koulutusohjelman opiskelijat, henkilökunta ja vierailijat kirjoittavat koreografiasta, opiskelusta, meneillään olevista projekteista, (tanssi)taiteesta ja sen ympäriltä.
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