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Data Ocean Theatre (Out of the Blue)

Expanding on the claimed unsustainability of Western theatre’s anthropocentric foundations, D.O.T. examines how the notion and practice of the stage transform amidst climate urgency, technological hypergrowth, and discipline-fluid hybridization.

A new publication in the Acta Scenica series

Data Ocean Theatre (D.O.T.) is a four-year artistic research project by Vincent Roumagnac that explores the intersection of myths, Western theatre memory, new media, digital animism, climate emergency, seas and oceans transformations, queer subcultures, and technological mutations in relation to aspects of “submersion” as a contemporary living condition. […]

D.O.T. is structured around several key components: the prologue Simultaneous Environments, featuring a series of experimental works; the central project Tragedy and the Goddexxes, which culminates in three public exhibitions; and a series of workshops, residencies, and a final publication in the form of an exposition on the Research Catalogue. […]

The publication has been peer-reviewed.

Read more on the: Acta Scenia publication series webpage

The publication in Taju

The exposition in Research Catalogue

Data Ocean Theatre (Out of the Blue)
A Discipline-Fluid Postdoctoral Artistic Research Project Exposition
Vincent Roumagnac
Acta Scenica 66, University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy, 2025
ISBN 978-952-353-087-4
ISSN 2242-6485

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