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Environment, Data, Contamination

How do we sense our surroundings? How does artistic research foster novel environmental sensibilities?

Book cover image: A scanned image of thin section from the migmatite Mäntsälän punainen in cross polarised transmitted light. Image courtesy of the author, Frank Brummel, and produced under the guidance of doctoral researcher Nikolaos Karampelas at the Department of Geosciences and Geography at the University of Helsinki.

The book Environment, Data, Contamination gathers essays on artistic methods and ecological thinking developed as part of the Environment, Data, and Contamination research studio at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.

Led by Samir Bhowmik (University of the Arts, Helsinki) and Jussi Parikka (Aarhus University, Denmark), the studio explored alternative ways of engaging with “data” as materialized in specific landscapes and elemental media.

Contributors: Frank Brümmel, Saara Hannula, Leena Kela, Lauri Lähteenmäki, Orla Mc Hardy, Heini Nieminen, Ville Aslak Raasakka, Johanna Sulalampi, Bruno Caldas Vianna, and Qiong Zhang.

Eds. Samir Bhowmik and Jussi Parikka
Environment, Data, Contamination
Art theoretical writings from the Academy of Fine Arts (17)
Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki, 2023
ISBN 978-952-353-441-4
ISSN 2343-1008

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