MobiLit project launched
The Mobility and Literature (MobiLit) Project was launched in 2022. As part of first steps of the project, writers and scholars from Uniarts participated in the Sanord 2022 conference in Limpopo, South Africa, and met with potential future collaborators in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The goal of the MobiLit Project is to promote the mobility of Southern African and Finnish writing students, researchers, teachers and literary actors. In addition to people, mobility refers to thoughts, ideas and experiences mediated by texts and their authors – the ability of literature to cross borders, create interaction and increase common understanding.
The 14th Southern African-Nordic Centre (Sanord) International Conference 2022, hosted by the University of Limpopo, convened in Polokwane, South Africa, December 5–7, under the theme “Finding Solutions: The Nexus between SDGs and South North Partnerships: Prospects, challenges and successes during the Covid-19 era.” Postdoctoral researcher Elina Renko and visiting professor Jussi Valtonen presented work from the Uniarts Health, Narrative & the Arts project and met with researchers, scholars, and medical educators from the Sanord network.
In Harare, Zimbabwe, Uniarts faculty members met with potential future MobiLit collaborators, including arts and culture development coordinator Alouise Sagota and writers and scholars Ignatius Mabasa and Memory Chirere from the University of Zimbabwe. They discussed possibilities for future collaboration, including (but not limited to) student mobility, student exchange, faculty collaboration and collaborative writing projects.
MobiLit is a network development project that is part of SAFINET, the Southern African and Finnish Higher Education Institutions’ Network for Health and Wellbeing, within the Culture and Wellbeing sub-area. SAFINET is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Education in Finland.
Post written by: MobiLit Working Group Uniarts Helsinki
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