Nocturnal discussion no.2
Presenting the speakers for the second online panel
The ethics of participatory performance
Writing: Giorgio Convertito
Livestream on Zoom at 19:00-20:30 on 7.5!
Panel speakers are Outi Condit, Petros Konnaris and Gesa Piper.
Panels duration 90min.
Panel will be facilitated by Giorgio Convertito who is graduating from the Dance Pedagogy MA Program at the Theater Academy of UniArts Helsinki. His thesis work “Hotel Room Encounters – A laboratory for transformative pedagogy” will be the springboard of discussion for the panel.
Language: English
Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID: 839 2439 3541
Password: 380839

Outi Condit is an actor and performance maker as well as a doctoral fellow in the Performing Arts Research Centre, University of Arts Helsinki. Outi’s research travels from theatre to technology in order to dig into the politics of staged bodies and bodies as stages, opening up absented presences and glitched embodiments in the process.

Petros Konnaris is working between the fields of live art, participatory art, and dance. His performances are a meeting between people to share and to explore states like taking care of each other, gentleness, coming together, and issues of nakedness, intimacy, and playfulness. He graduated from the MA level degree in Live Arts and Performance Studies program in Theater Academy of UniArts Helsinki.

Gesa Piper is a German dance-artist and -pedagogue, based in Finland since 2011 and active as a performer, teacher and choreographer nationally and internationally. Her interests lie within the field of the multiplicity of the human existence in its social and environmental context. Her artistic work seeks to investigate those through means of physical expression, embodied contemplative inquiry and dialogue.
Pedapproach on teatteri- ja tanssinopettajan maisteriopiskelijoiden 4.-8.5. järjestämä seminaari, joka kokoaa opiskelijoiden ajattelua ja opinnoissa tutkittuja taiteellis-pedagogisia kysymyksiä ja aiheita. Tutustu seminaariin ja sen teemoihin opiskelijoiden päivittämässä blogissa.
Pedapproach is a seminar organised by theatre and dance pedagogy students in 4-8 May that gathers the artistic-pedagogical questions and topics that students have explored during their studies. Learn more about the seminar in the students’ blog. Updates are in Finnish or English.
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