Sustainable Choices Potentials and Practices in Performance Design
An aim: to outline the relationship between performance design and its education to questions of sustainability.

The publication Sustainable Choices – Potentials and Practices in Performance Design aims to highlight ecologically more sustainable practices and thinking that have emerged from various projects in performance design and pedagogical work in the field. The examples reveal ideas and thoughts that will hopefully enable artistic inspiration on our planet in the future.
The hope is that Sustainable Choices will be of great interest to students, pedagogues, scholars, researchers, and practitioners. The hope also is that the articles in the book reflect the diverse potential of the arts to continue with sustainability issues and overcome the environmental crisis. We encourage all readers to take sustainability, ecological thinking, and environmental awareness as an enlightening and essential circumstance, not a problem.
Read the open access version of the book in the Taju publication archive
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Sustainable Choices – Potentials and Practices in Performance Design
Eds. Tomi Humalisto & Raisa Kilpeläinen
The Publication Series of the Theatre Academy (Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja) 77.
University of the Arts Helsinki. 2023.
ISBN 978-952-353-065-2 (printed)
ISBN 978-952-353-066-9 (pdf)
ISSN 0788-3385 (printed)
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