The School of Shying a Way
Our aim has been to gather in an open space, with a primary goal of developing trust, learning about our shared and divergent interests and exploring ways of making, studying and being together.

The School of Shying a Way plays in the aftermath of experiences of schooling and being schooled, both within formal education and its extensions into other forms of socialization. The work draws on perspectives from the Finnish, Nordic and Pan-African regions and is conducted as a collaboration between Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts and the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos.
The School of Shying a Way attempts to craft a space, and provide an ideological support, for a set of resistances: to the collective/individual binary, to the limited consciousness of fixed meaning, to the locating of knowledge as something and somewhere outside of the study and the student.
The publication is a part of artist pedagogic research and cooperative innovations between Uniarts Helsinki and the Centre for Contemporary Art in Lagos, Nigeria.
The School of Shying a Way
Editors: Alyssa Coffin and Daniel Peltz
Publisher: The Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Helsinki
In co-operation with Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos
The publication is available in the University of the Arts publication archive Taju
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