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The Theat­re Aca­de­my is loo­king for new works for the Aca­de­my´s publica­tion se­ries

Applications by 21.10.2024

Publication proposal notification

The Publications committee of the Theatre Academy at Uniarts Helsinki is looking for new works for the Academy´s publication series. The Theatre Academy primarily publishes its works as electronic Open Access publications.

You can suggest a new work for the Academies series, apply for financial support for the work in accordance with the Committees financial policy or present other initiatives relating to publishing. The Publications committee of the Theatre Academy allocates financial support for book projects that promote teaching or research in the fields of the Theatre Academy. Please clarify in the application how the proposed publication is connected to the University of the Arts core activities. The Academy can also participate in joint ventures with publishing companies.

The applicant must also be in contact with the Degree programme at the Theatre Academy in whose field the publication is situated. The applicant must ask the contact person of the Degree programme to write a statement about the publication proposal for the Publications committee.

One can apply for financial support, for the years 2025–2026, to cover the costs of graphic design and printing.

The application should state how the factual verification and possible proof reading or translation costs of the manuscript, and potential writers or editors’ fees will be resourced or paid for.

The applicant should apply for funding for expenses mentioned above from external sources (foundations etc.) or through a Degree programme at the Theatre Academy. Funding can also separately be applied from the Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) Publication Council to publications intended to the Acta Scenica and Nivel publication series. Information on how to apply for funding from the Tutke Publication Council can be requested from Michaela Bränn.

The Publications committee and the party administrating a series (usually a Degree programme at the Academy) may grant support for the costs referring to the years 2025 and 2026. The applicant is encouraged to inquire from the Degree program if the factual verification of the manuscript can be done by a member of the staff, as a part of their work loud, in the case that the program can resource it.

The applicant is encouraged to contemplate the possibility to peer review the manuscript as a part of the publishing process. If peer review is chosen the applicant is to agree on the practicalities with the Degree program that oversees the chosen publication series. Peer reviewers are not paid fees.

Instructions for compiling a list of references and information on reference techniques that should be used are to be found in the Theatre Academy´s Structure and Annotation guide. Read the guide here

The applicant must inform the Committee in which publication series (see descriptions below) the applicant wishes the work to be published in.

  • The applications (publication proposals) should be submitted as single (1) PDF files via e-mail by 21.10.2024 to the secretary of the Publications committee Michaela Bränn, michaela.brann@uniarts.fi
  • The statement about the publication proposal written by the contact person of the Degree programme on behalf of the applicant, should be submitted by 21.10.2024 via an electronic form, (form is in Finnish – please contact the Publications committee secretary is necessary).

Open the statement form here

The Publications committee will make its decisions regarding the proposals in its April 2024 meeting. Applicants will be informed of the decisions within a few weeks of the meeting. The publishing process is administrated by the secretary of the Publications committee, who also coordinates the practical work involved. The secretary also consults the writers during the process in different aspects of the project. The Theatre Academy has a graphic manual for the publication series. Applicants can contact the secretary regarding graphic design and printing costs.

Further information: Secretary of the Publications committee, Specialist Michaela Bränn, michaela.brann@uniarts.fi, phone 040 631 3553.


The applications (publication proposals) should be submitted as single (1) PDF files. The application must state the following points:

Applicants name and contact information

Brief description of the publication: the (working) title, content, scope (number of pages), information about the writer/writers or editor(s).

In which publication series does the applicant wish the work to be published in?

How is the proposed publication connected to the University of the Arts core activities?

Text sample (if available): for example, a chapter or another sufficiently large section (2–5 A4 pages), a preliminary table of contents/synopsis

Illustration: include a preliminary illustration plan (quantity, what does the material consist of, pictures, video etc.). Please also include a brief account of the copyrights.

The target group: to whom is the book directed, where are its potential readers? How does this work differ from others in the same field? 

Schedule: include an initial scheduling plan that states the current situation of the manuscript and illustration at the time of submitting the application, at what time is the manuscript ready to be factually verified, when would it be ready for lay out, when do you think the work could be published? 

Financing plan/other publishers: state the amount of support (euro) that is applied from the Publications committee and what costs that would cover. Please also include information about other funding that has been applied for/received for the publication. This includes the possible share paid by the Degree programme at the Theatre Academy or possible other funding from foundations etc. Also state if the project has any other publisher in place already (other organization, or company etc.).

Budget: outline the initial total budget of the project. The Publications committee takes care of the call for bids for graphic design, printing work (if done) and programming of web sites if the proposal is accepted. Proof reading or translation work is done by the university’s contracted suppliers if these costs are covered by a Degree programme at the Academy. If the work is printed, the number of books printed is 120 per publication.

Resourcing of work: please indicate which parts of the work with the manuscript would potentially be done as part of work loads of people employed by the Theatre Academy. Also outline what work needs external services to be done (work done by companies), proofreading, translation etc.

The statement about the publication proposal by a Degree programme at the Theatre Academy

The applicant must also be in contact with the Degree programme at the Theatre Academy in whose field the publication is situated. The applicant must ask the contact person of the Degree programme to write a statement about the publication proposal. In the statement form the contact person at the Degree programme is e.g., inquired if the programme is committed to supporting the publications factual verification and partial funding.

The Publications committee mainly supports applications that have the support of a Degree programme at the Theatre Academy, e.g. a commitment to partake in resourcing of the publication project (support of content process, possible financial support).

The statement about the publication proposal written by the contact person of the Degree programme on behalf of the applicant, should be submitted by 21.10.2024 via an electronic form (form is in Finnish – please contact the Publications committee secretary is necessary).

Open the statement form here

Read more about the Theatre Academy´s publication activities

Publication Series published at the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki

Acta Scenica  

The publication series Acta Scenica releases peer-reviewed artistic research in the field of performing arts. This primarily includes book, or online versions of doctoral research carried out at the Theatre Academy. Other peer-reviewed research in the field and article compilations are also published in the series. The series is published by the Performing Arts Research Centre. Contact person: Hanna Järvinen, Performing Arts Research Centre 

Read more about the series


Artistic research in the field of performing arts is published in the Nivel series. The series in mainly published online. The Performing Arts Research Centre at the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki publishes conference material, study books, translations and other current material relating to artistic research. The series is published by The Performing Arts Research Centre together with the Publications committee. Contact person: Hanna Järvinen, Performing Arts Research Centre 

Read more about the series


The Episodi publication series comprises writing on performing arts by the students of the Theatre Academy. The series is jointly administered and printed by the MA Degree Programme in Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) and the publication committee. Contact person: Professor Tero Nauha, Degree Programme in Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS).


Kinesis is the publication series of the degree programmes in dance performance and comprises current publications on dance research and performance. The series is administered and published by the degree programmes in dance performance together with the publication committee. Contact person: Professor Kirsi Monni.

Read more about the series


The publication series supports applied arts and developing the work of art organizations. Contact person: University researcher Kai Lehikoinen.

The Publication Series of the Theatre Academy

In this series a variety of works on theatre and dance are published, focusing on current topics of debate, complementary study material and translations. The series is administered and published by the Publications committee. Contact person: Secretary of the Publications committee, Michaela Bränn 

Read more about the web version of the series

Teatteri – a series for new plays 

Teatteri (Theatre written with a strikethrough) is a series publishing a select collection of plays by Theatre Academy students. The series is administered and published by the Degree programme in Dramaturgy together with the Publications committee. 

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