Uniarts Helsinki the first university of the arts to host a Climate Fresk workshop
Climate Fresk is a collective workshop based on current IPCC climate studies, which uses a playful card game to help participants to understand the causes and consequences of climate change.

On 21 October 2024, Ressearch Institute’s ”Critical Academy” network organised the Climate Fresk workshop, popular worldwide, at the House of Science and Hope (Puistokatu 4).
Climate Fresk is a collective workshop based on current IPCC climate studies, which uses a playful card game to help participants to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. The workshops empower participants to take meaningful action for sustainability – as increasingly informed citizens. Designed by the NGO Climate Fresk, the workshop was facilitated by two volunteer trainers who were commissioned by the Critical Academy Network.
According to Climate Fresk’s international headquarters, Uniarts Helsinki is the first university of the arts to host a workshop on climate change. By contrast, natural scientists, humanists, engineers and other disciplines have long used their educational card game as part of classroom teaching. So we have also done a piece of pioneering work here!
Heidi Partti works as a professor at the Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy.
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