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“Voz y Cuerpo Performático”

”Performative Voice and Body” Video-podcast by Laura Humppila and Mercedes Balarezo

“Voz y cuerpo performático” is the name of a workshop co-taught by Laura Humppila and Mercedes Balarezo during summer of 2019 in Ecuador. This video-podcast is a compilation of images from the work done there, as part of their teaching practices. Simultaneously, you will listen to a podcast where they talk about their work around voice and body, insights about art pedagogy and reflections about co-teaching. In the end, you will find a practical task to try their work with your body and voice.


Pedapproach on teatteri- ja tanssinopettajan maisteriopiskelijoiden 4.-8.5. järjestämä seminaari, joka kokoaa opiskelijoiden ajattelua ja opinnoissa tutkittuja taiteellis-pedagogisia kysymyksiä ja aiheita. Tutustu seminaariin ja sen teemoihin opiskelijoiden päivittämässä blogissa.

Pedapproach is a seminar organised by theatre and dance pedagogy students in 4-8 May that gathers the artistic-pedagogical questions and topics that students have explored during their studies. Learn more about the seminar in the students’ blog. Updates are in Finnish or English.

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