Why Exhibit? vol. 2 On curating Photography
The publication combines articles and conversations on curatorial practices concerning photo-based images.

The Academy of Fine Arts at Uniarts Helsinki is a co-publisher with Fw:Books, Amsterdam of a new book.
‘Why Exhibit? vol. 2’ combines articles and conversations on curatorial practices concerning photo-based images. Discussion centers on challenges curators and artists working with photography face today. How do they navigate its constantly changing appearance? How are issues of representation dealt with? How do they handle the weight of the history of the medium, which is often hidden in power structures and silenced narratives? And what kind of mediation is necessary while seeking new forms of authorship and interaction with audiences?
This book primarily focuses on practical perspectives intertwining photography and curation. It offers insights into a wide range of experiences, reflections, and views from the perspective of curators, photographers, visual artists, writers, and researchers. These conversations are vital for curating photography in light of pressing issues surrounding the medium.
With contributions by Poulomi Basu, Lia Carreira, Annet Dekker, Anna Ehrenstein, Taru Elfving, Eszter Erdosi, Tina Farifteh, Yining He, Uwa Iduozee, Kaija Kaitavuori, NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati, Thomas Kuijpers, Giya Makondo-Wills, Tanvi Mishra, Anastasia Mityukova, Kateryna Radchenko, Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Sunil Shah, Iris Sikking, Laura Toots, Daria Tuminas, Sergio Valenzuela-Escobedo, Salvatore Vitale.
Partners: The Finnish Museum of Photography, Fotomuseum The Hague, Netherlands
‘Why Exhibit? vol. 2 On curating Photography’
Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Iris Sikking (eds)
Publisher: Fw:Books, Amsterdam
The Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki
ISBN 978-952-353-476-6
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