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My Favourite Walking Routes in Helsinki

Most wonderful places for walking and exploring Helsinki!

Sheep in a field in Kuusiluoto

Hello! I’m Anastasiia, a student at the Academy of Fine Arts. In this post, I’ll share my favorite walking routes in Helsinki.

Walking is a cherished hobby of mine. Through it, I get to explore the city, its history, and its people. Sometimes I walk alone, and other times with friends. It’s also a free way of traveling around and staying active. When I first arrived in Helsinki, I spent a lot of time wandering around the city center and its surroundings. There are some routes I revisit often, and I’m excited to share my favorite walking spots in Helsinki with you.

Helsinki Central Shore Route

The first route on my list is a path going along the waterfront and through Market Square, Kaivopuisto, and Eira. I love starting this route at the Helsinki Market Square and strolling along the central waterfront until I reach the Eira district. This walk offers stunning views of Helsinki’s central shore and archipelago. It takes you through charming old districts like Punavuori and Eira, known for their beautiful architecture. This route is part of a larger inner-city waterfront trail, marked by brown signposts, and is well-served by public transport stops.

Along the way, you can stop at lovely cafes like Cafe Ursula. In summer, I always treat myself to a huge ice cream from the Helsinki Jäätelötehdas stand—it’s a must on hot days! Just watch out for the seagulls!

Nature Reservoir in the City

When I moved to Helsinki, I was amazed to discover a nature reservoir within the city. The Lammassaari trail, about 30 minutes from the city center, offers a diverse natural environment. I usually start at the Technology Museum and walk through reeds to two tiny islands, Lammassaari and Kuusiluoto. This beautiful trail is filled with birds and birdwatchers all year round.

I’ve met many wonderful people and chatted with passionate birdwatchers there. Informational posts along the trail provide insights into the local birdlife. In summer, you can also see sheep on Kuusiluoto. It’s the perfect place to enjoy and learn about Finnish nature.

To Walk with Friends

Another trail around an island I love is Seurasaari trail. Walking around Seurasaari’s shore is delightful. There are many interesting spots along the way, like grilling areas, old houses, and ideal picnic spots. The island is open year-round, and there is an open-air museum in summer. The island can get crowded in summer due to its popularity and numerous events.

For Architecture and History

Kruununhaka and Katajanokka are historical districts in central Helsinki. I recommend walking around these areas to experience Helsinki’s oldest neighborhoods and Finnish Art Nouveau architecture. The districts are filled with quiet streets, perfect for appreciating the beautiful buildings. Informational posts provide more details about the area’s history.

You’ll encounter some of Helsinki’s most important sites, such as Helsinki Cathedral, Uspenski Cathedral, Tove Jansson’s Park, and Market Square. Don’t miss the City of Helsinki Museum, which is free to visit!

Final Words

These are just a few of the many wonderful walking routes in Helsinki. For more trails, check out the City of Helsinki’s website. For fellow walking enthusiasts, I also recommend getting off at any metro or bus stop and simply walking in any direction. It’s a fantastic way to explore the city and its modern life. Thanks to Helsinki’s excellent public transport infrastructure, it’s always easy to return to the city center.

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