Reflections on Completing My Bachelor at the Academy of Fine Arts
From Expectations to Reality: Student Ambassador Anastasiia Lapteva reflects on her Bachelor’s Journey at the Academy of Fine Arts

I am Anastasiia, a student ambassador from the Academy of Fine Arts. In December 2024, which is not too far from the time I’m writing this blog post, I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. It feels like I just started my studies, and now I’m already looking forward to beginning the Master’s program. While waiting, I want to reflect on my Bachelor’s studies and thesis-writing experience and share some of my journey at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Long Story Short
I arrived in Finland in 2018 to attend upper secondary school. After finishing my studies there, I knew I wanted to continue studying in Finland. I applied to the Academy of Fine Arts and was fortunate to get in on my first attempt! My studies at the Academy of Fine Arts began in August 2021 and concluded after 3.5 years in December 2024. During my time there, I had the chance to study in two out of four departments: first Time and Space, and later Printmaking. Soon, I’ll be continuing my journey in the Master’s program.
Expectations vs Reality
I didn’t have many expectations when I got admitted to the university, but there were a lot of surprises once I started my studies. Before entering the Academy, I had a certain image of what an art school would be like. I imagined it would be practical and technique-driven, filled with sleepless nights spent working on assignments and punctuated by ruthless art critiques. However, the reality of my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts brought both positive surprises and a few disappointments.
The program focuses deeply on individual artistic practice and developing your creative skills. In my experience, the studies are mostly about familiarizing myself with different techniques and concepts. As students, we are given a lot of freedom to create, which I found both exciting and terrifying. During my first couple of years, I struggled to find a direction or creative routine to follow, which impacted my motivation. By the end of my Bachelor’s studies, I finally discovered what I enjoy most. For me, the abundance of freedom was both a blessing and a challenge. I think the Academy of Fine Arts offers the best experience when you have a clear direction for where you’re heading while leaving room for experimentation and freedom.
When I started at the Academy, I was surprised to see people of different ages. Some had completed other degrees before becoming artists, while others brought years of work experience. It was initially surprising that there weren’t many people my age, but I’ve come to see it as a wonderful thing. The diversity of ages and backgrounds adds a unique richness to the environment.
As I mentioned earlier, I always imagined critiques in art school would be brutally honest. However, at the Academy of Fine Arts, it’s quite the opposite. People are kind, and the feedback I’ve received has been thoughtful and considerate. This can be especially valuable when working on personal topics, where harsh feedback might do more harm than good. That said, there have been times when I wished for more discussion and debate about the quality of the art we produce within the Academy’s walls.
The Thesis
The Bachelor’s thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts consists of two parts: an artistic component, showcased in an exhibition, and a written component. The written part is relatively short—just 5–10 pages of text.
The studies in my upper-secondary school emphasized academic writing and critical thinking skills. Writing essays there was intense, so I expected my thesis to be a similarly demanding experience. Surprisingly, writing my thesis turned out to be… relaxing. We were allowed to choose our topics, and there were no rigid guidelines to follow. It was refreshing to focus on writing about my work, and the fact that we didn’t receive grades for the thesis made the process much less stressful.
What’s Next?
Now that I’ve completed my Bachelor’s, I’ll continue with the Master’s program in the Printmaking department. I know that two years will go by quickly, so I’m determined to make the most of my remaining studies. While I still have time to figure out my future career, I plan to take a more focused approach to my studies, with a strong emphasis on illustrations as my main passion.
Life of an art student
In this blog, Uniarts Helsinki students share their experiences as art students from different academies and perspectives, in their own words. If you want to learn even more regarding studying and student life in Uniarts and Helsinki, you can ask directly from our student ambassadors.
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