Johanna Rauhaniemi

    Author's blog posts

  • Intonaatioteoria ääneenlausumattomana vastarintana ja populaarimusiikin teoriana

    Elina Viljanen pohtii kirjoituksessaan avoimen vastarinnan sijaan ääneenlausumatonta (implisiittistä) vastarintaa. Millaista oli elättää itsensä ajattelijana stalinistisessa yhteiskunnassa, jossa valtiovalta käytti systemaattista väkivaltaa toisinajattelijoita kohtaan? Kirjoituksen taustalla on Aleksei Navalnyin kuolema, ja teemaansa Viljanen havainnollistaa venäläisen musiikintutkijan Boris Asafjevin tapauksella.

  • The ”Gender and musicianship in North(-)/Eastern Europe” is the fourth conference in a series of yearly symposia on gender studies in music

    The ”Gender and musicianship in North(-)/Eastern Europe” symposium, organised by Uniarts Helsinki and Research Association Suoni, will take place on February 12–13, 2024. It is the fourth conference in a series of yearly symposia on gender studies in music, which started during the COVID pandemic online. The chair of the symposium Nuppu Koivisto-Kaasik tells that the current symposium focuses on questions of gender, power hierarchies, and intersectionality within the geographical context of Northern, Eastern, and North-Eastern areas of Europe.

  • Music, War and Peace 1922 – 2022 project promotes a common European culture based on tolerance, peace and democracy  

    On November 20 and 21, 2023, a symposium Perspectives on Music in Times of War and a series of concerts on the topic Music in Times of War gathered around 40 participants from five different countries. The events were organised by Uniarts History Forum and Sibelius Academy under the supervision of Dr Anne Piirainen. Read Amaury du Closel`s (Forum Voix Etouffées) blog post about the project now extented until 30 June, 2024.

  • Thurs­day Fo­rum, spring 2024

    Thursday Forum meetings take place in the afternoon, from 1 pm to 2.30 pm. The meetings start with a presentation of an hour and half, including discussion on any questions raised, followed by another hour and half (2.45 pm to 4 pm) of discussion on an academic text (or seminar paper) related to the theme of the day (so-called “extra time”). Thursday Forum will be arranged in Music Centre Helsinki (Töölönlahdenkatu 16, Helsinki, meeting room 3101) and it is also possible take part to the event online on Zoom.

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