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Flis Holland

(FI/UK, they/them)

Flis Holland uses sci-fi to talk about crisis and to explore new ways to relate. They work with live performance, video, and spoken word, and often use mobile apps to stage and share their productions. 

Recent works include a video “Subserotic Bulge” for Frame’s public programme Rehearsing Hospitalities (FI); an IGTV video that is (and isn’t) a virtual tour of the group show “Gentle Gestures: Non-binary conceptions of difference” at Titanik (FI); and a residency in New York supported by Suomen Kulttuurirahasto and FCINY (US).

Holland has taught the thematic theoretical studies MFA course K-KM34-S21B Glitching Bodies. It looks at the disruptive power of errors, miscommunications and selective refusals, and their uses in art practice.

KuvA research activities

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