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Flis Holland

(FI/UK, they/them)

Flis Holland’s DFA is in the terrain of cyclical depression, working to counteract its compressive force and find room for manoeuvre. To do so they build and relentlessly adjust a series of seemingly over-engineered viewing devices.

As part of their DFA studies Holland has held solo exhibitions at Project Room (2014), Sinne (2015) and Galleria Huuto (2015); and a seminar “Frustrated Witness” at the research pavilion of the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).

Holland has taught the thematic theoretical studies MFA course K-KM34-S21B “Glitching Bodies”. It looks at the disruptive power of errors, miscommunications and selective refusals, and their uses in art practice.

KuvA research activities

This blog highlights the activities of the research unit and doctoral programme at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki | Tämä blogi esittelee Kuvataideakatemian tutkimusyksikön ja tohtorikoulutusohjelman tapahtumia ja toimintaa | I den här bloggen presenteras verksamheten och evenemangen vid Bildkonstsakademins forskningsenhet och doktorandprogram

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