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Open Call: Ecological Thinking Seminar 2024-25 with Helsinki Biennial 2025

KDOC-24B20 Theme Seminar – 6 credits (1 year) September 2024 – June 2025

We are announcing an Open Call for Participants to the Ecological Thinking (KDOC-24B20) Theme Seminar – 6 credits, for the academic year 2024-25. The seminar  collaborates with the Helsinki Biennial 2025, contextualizing its themes and curatorial vision with discourses and practices in the visual and performing arts related to ecology and environmental change. As a year-long artistic research studio, the seminar consists of 10 theory + practice sessions (3 hours each session) held in-person. Contents of the sessions are literature discussions, student’s own practice and invited artists and scholars. Students are required to write a short article every semester, which will be considered for an edited publication. The seminar culminates in a thematic exhibition from June – August 2025 in coordination with the program of the Helsinki Biennial 2025. 

Interested participants must submit a motivation letter and a maximum of a 3-project portfolio (webpages/links only) to the Course Instructor: Samir Bhowmik (samir.bhowmik@uniarts.fi). Please include in the ‘Subject’ field of the email: “Submission to Ecological Thinking Seminar 2024-25“.

The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2024. Accepted participants will be informed by 9 September 2024, and thereafter must register online to the course in Peppi (KDOC-24B20 Theme seminar: Ecological thinking 2024-2025).

Doctoral/Masters Students who have not previously attended the seminar will be prioritized for acceptance. Classes are held in-person in university premises. Remote attendance only for guest lectures. Those who attend (80%), submit (2 articles), and complete both semesters satisfactorily will be allowed to participate in the final exhibition. Drop-outs and mid-semester graduates will not be considered for full credits or exhibition. The seminar does not offer any art commissions, nor production costs for individual artworks. For exhibition, students will have to organise their own installations. Only invigilation, some technical help and communications will be provided. Participation in the exhibition does not constitute a direct participation in the Helsinki Biennial 2025.

If you have any questions about the seminar, please contact Dr. Samir Bhowmik (samir.bhowmik@uniarts.fi).

Ecological Thinking

This is the course blog for KDOC-24B20 – Ecological Thinking Seminar. In 2024-25, the seminar collaborates with Helsinki Biennial 2025 contextualizing its themes and curatorial vision with discourses and practices in the visual and performing arts. In 2023-24, we explored “Vertical Ecologies” by visual arts, film and performance, co-organized with Curator Giovanna Esposito Yussif of the Museum of Impossible Forms. Previously, in 2022-23, we organized a year-long collaborative research studio with Aarhus University, DK, Research Pavilion 2023 and Helsinki Biennial 2023 on the themes of environmental data, sensing and contamination.

Header image credit: Abelardo Gil-Fournier and Jussi Parikka / Seed, Image, Ground (2020)- With permission from the authors.

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