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Pathways toward gender inclusive music education in Nepal

Doctoral project of Prem Gurung

This doctoral research project aims to: understand the socio-political barriers that prevent girls from making music and participating in music education; and co-construct and perform actionable visions towards social transformation for gender-inclusive music education and sustainable development in Nepal. Gender exclusion takes place in many public spaces in Nepal and is reproduced in educational settings. This study addresses the Government of Nepal’s school education sector plan for educational development, which has a special focus on gender-inclusive education for the country’s sustainable development, and the UN’s Agenda 2030. The study applies critical systems thinking to understand the socio-political aspects of gender exclusion and potential drivers for gender inclusion in the music field; and public pedagogy to explore the potential of public music performance toward changing social attitudes towards girls’ music education in the Nepali context. Methodologically, the study is framed as transformative action research to seek understanding of girls’ and women’s experienced barriers in music practices and to co-develop actions together with girls in school contexts to overcome these barriers. Data consists of interviews (girls, teachers and principals) and focus group discussions (girls) and workshop materials. The findings will be published in 3–4 peer-reviewed articles and a synthesising text (kappa).

critical systems thinking, gender exclusion, music education, Nepal, public pedagogy

Prem Gurung is a doctoral student in the Research study programme at the MuTri Doctoral School.

Future doctors in music

We have approximately 150 doctoral students enrolled at the Sibelius Academy. This blog offers a view to their research projects.

The doctoral students are a part of a research community which is a unique combination of artistic activities, education, and research.

Their projects cover a wide spectrum of topics in the realm of music, combining musical practices and different research approaches.

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