Academy of Fine Arts is looking for new works for the Academy’s publications series
Publication proposal notification
Deadline 2.10.2024
The Library and Publications Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki is looking for new works for the Academy’s publications series. One can apply for financial support for books that will be published during 2024–2026. The Academy of Fine Arts publishes literature in its teaching and research fields. The Academy does not publish for profit. The number of works published annually is 1 to 3. Proposals of anthologies, essays, artist´s texts (also as translations) as well as peer reviewed publications are for example welcome.
The Publications Committee does not publish monographs displaying the work of an artist, exhibition catalogues or thesis works. The Committee does not in general fund proof reading, translation, or writers/editors’ fees. The financial support is mainly for funding graphic design, printing, and illustration costs. The Academy can also cooperate with commercial publishing companies in joint ventures. Works by the Academy of Fine Arts are published in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The Academy of Fine Arts publications are mainly published in its two publications series. Works can also be published independently from the series. The publications are published in print and electronically as Open Access publications in the University’s TAJU publications archive.
The Series of publications by the Academy of Fine Arts are Writings from the Academy of Fine Arts (ISSN 2242-0142) and Art Theoretical Writings from the Academy of Fine Arts (ISSN 2343-1008).
The applications should be submitted by October 2, 2024, via e-mail as a one (1) pdf to Michaela Bränn, secretary of the Committee, at The Publications Committee decides on the applications by November. The book projects are overseen and managed by the Committees secretary, who also guides the writers/editors in all practical matters concerning the publication. For more information, please contact the Committees Secretary, Specialist Michaela Bränn, tel. 040 631 3553, e-mail:
Read more about the Academy´s publication activities
The applications (publication proposals) should be submitted as single (1) PDF files. The application must state the following points:
Applicants name and contact information
A brief description of the work: [Working] title, content, number of pages in manuscript. Information about the writer/writers or editor/s.
Sample text: A full chapter or other section broad enough for review, or a table of content. If the work is a translation, please include a minimum of 5–10 pages of translated text. If the project is a translation project, please then include information on texts copyrights.
Illustration and artwork: Preliminary illustration plan (quantity etc.) and a report of copyrights.
Target audience of the work: Whom is the book aimed at? Where are the potential readers? How does this book stand out from other books with the same subject matter?
Planned schedule: Please include a schedule for the project. What is the current situation of the manuscript? When will it be ready for review, when will it be ready for layout, estimated date of publication?
Financial plan/Other sponsors or publishers: State the amount of support (euro) that is applied from the Publications committee and what costs that would cover. Have you applied for or received any other funding (e.g., Academy of Fine Arts teaching area, or funding from foundations etc.)? Are any other parties (publishers) involved in the funding of the publication?
Estimated costs: Estimate the budget, including a breakdown of the costs (illustration costs, graphic design, printing etc.). The Publications Committee will oversee invitations for bids concerning printing and graphic design if the project is funded.
Resource allocation: Which areas of the work would possibly be carried out by employees of the Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki? Which areas require outside service if the project is a proposal from within the Academy.
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