Career monitoring surveys help us to ensure the quality of our education
Vice Rector for Education at Uniarts Helsinki Tapio Kujala encourages alumni to respond to the career monitoring survey, which generates information on graduates’ situation in the labour market, experiences in working professionally and relevance of their degrees to working life.

Hi alum,
you are an important part of Uniarts Helsinki’s story, and now we need your help! This autumn, we will be collecting career-related feedback from master’s graduates from 2019 and doctoral graduates from 2021.
Responding to the survey is important, because it helps us to continuously refine and boost the quality of our education, which in turn will have an impact on the funding we are allocated. The survey will also give us a broad understanding of the current labour market and the kind of competence that people in our fields need.
Based on last year’s survey, we can say that our university should pay more attention to the development of career skills such as organisation and coordination skills, negotiation skills and stress tolerance. According to our doctoral alumni, important career skills also include language skills and working in a multicultural environment. Master’s alumni also mentioned the importance of problem-solving skills. Read a news article about last year’s student and alumni survey results.
Responses have an impact on funding allocated to universities
Career monitoring surveys for master’s graduates are linked to the funding model determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This means that the funding allocated to Uniarts Helsinki is largely based on how well we can demonstrate that our education leads our graduating students to success as professional artists. That is why your response to the career monitoring survey is of immense value both to us and to our future students.
The more responses we get, the better we can develop our education and offer better opportunities for our new students.
Thank you for your time and support in advance!
Tapio Kujala
Uniarts Helsinki’s vice rector for education
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