Iona Roisin – Professional morkkis
dear reader,
how to edit something truthfully that still has structure?
how to not be so concerned about truthfulness?
what is faithful representation anyway?
how to not worry about coming across like a bitch?
how to not upset my family?
how to stop thinking i’ve done that?
why didn’t i wash my hair?
how to pretend to care about technical quality and production values?
how to make something nice?
how to stop pandering to narrative?
why won’t karl ove reply to my emails?
how to be less apathetic?
why can’t i remember anything i read?
how to get things to stay in my brain?
how to translate my daily bullshit into something productive?
why make things if making things hurts?
how to grow the fuck up and stop crying whenever I see special needs young people?
how to realise when personal work becomes totally self indulgent?
am i actually just lena dunham but poorer?????????
how to take personal issues and open them up so they speak about more than just your own shit?
how to make personal work then avoid all the personal questions that follow?
how to make work about others without using them?
how to pay the rent?
how to pay the rent and have enough time left to do anything else?
how to spend time doing nothing and not feel guilty about it?
how to take care of your body on a budget and when you are largely indifferent to it?
how to be less obvious but still accessible?
how to be funny?
how to avoid older male artists speaking down to you?
how to be public about your reservations and doubts without being perceived to be under confident?
Kirjoittaja: Iona Roisin
Student in the Time and Space subject area from the U.K., in this blog she worries publicly about all aspects of the Kuvan Kevät process.
Asiasanat: #KuvanKevät #Kuvataideakatemia
Kuvan Kevät -blogi
Kuvan Kevät -blogissa pääset seuraamaan Kuvataideakatemian maisterinäyttelyyn valmistautuvien opiskelijoiden ajatuksia ja elämää. Blogiin kirjoittavat vuonna 2020 maisteriopiskelijat Eva Lamppu ja Val Smets.
Kuvan Kevät -maisterinäyttelyyn osallistuu pian valmistuvia taiteilijoita Kuvataideakatemian kaikilta opetusalueilta (maalaus, kuvanveisto, taidegrafiikka ja tila-aikataiteet).
Kevään poikkeustilanteen vuoksi Kuvan Kevät on siirretty syksylle 2020 (10.10.-8.11.2020).
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