NCP meeting in Stockholm, Sweden
The NCP meeting in spring 2023 was held in Stockholm in two different locations, in an anthroposophical centre outside Stockholm in Järnä and a performance space Reaktorhallen in Stockholm.

The NCP meeting in spring 2023 was held in Stockholm in two different locations, in an anthroposophical centre outside Stockholm in Järnä and a performance space Reaktorhallen in Stockholm. Altogether 29 students, teachers and administrators participated in the meeting.
The student-led meeting was organized around the topics of responsiveness and adaptability, in reflection on both the studies and the work life of the contemporary artist. These topics were also discussed in the PLUS pedagogical development meetings with the teaching staff. Also, the NCP network organization and administration were among the discussed topics.
The letter for the student participants
Dear NCP participants!
We are heading towards the end of the semester and we are looking forward to spending a few days together. The class of MACHOR Stockholm are inviting you to a fieldtrip to two very different locations. The first few days we will go to Järna, located 50 kilometers southwest of Stockholm. Järna has since the 30’s been the center of the anthroposophical movement in Sweden, including several schools, health care, production and agriculture and other institutions linked to the anthrosophical movement. On Monday we will visit Stockholm and Reaktorhallen, Sweden’s first nuclear reactor which is now decommissioned and used as a performance space. These two locations will offer you to try out the things you’ve already been busy with but in a completely new setting and in a new constellation of people.
For your trip to Sweden we ask you to bring traces of your artistic processes with you. This can be anything that’s been important for your process or practice such as a specific movements sequence, a text, an object, a costume, a character, a score, music or something else. In Järna we will place our traces and artistic darlings into a new context, a new setting and give them new meanings and extend what has already been presented, but this time together with others that have not experienced your work. We will divide ourselves into smaller groups with people across the programmes. We suggest to work in a way that feels exciting and without pressure. More about exploration and re-framing our work in a new environment.
Koreografian koulutusohjelman blogi on keskustelun ja jakamisen paikka. Täällä koulutusohjelman opiskelijat, henkilökunta ja vierailijat kirjoittavat koreografiasta, opiskelusta, meneillään olevista projekteista, (tanssi)taiteesta ja sen ympäriltä.
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