Opening, exhibition and new projects/ Andreas Behn-Eschenburg
The four weeks of our exhibition passed really quickly and we packed up our works and tidied the spaces. I received a lot very valuable feedback and the whole experience of building up this exhibition gave me a lot of confidence and ideas for the future. Just after the exhibition opening I wanted to continue to work in the studio.
So what has Kuvan Kevät taught me? In a way it was an exhibition like other ones I have done before but with this one it was important to me to give my best and do well.
I moved to Finland two years ago to study and to grow as an artist and a person and this exhibition was the culmination of all the work and the time spend learning, studying and making during the last two years. It was a very important achievement for me.
In the build up to Kuvan Kevät I learned new methods of working in the studio and I believe as a painter or a sculptor or as any studio based artist it is important to find a good way of how to make work in the studio and maintain a balance between making and not making (research and reflecting on the work). Maybe finding a good working way is one of the most valuable things I can take with me from Kuvan Kevät and my Master degree.
Kirjoittaja: Andreas Behn-Eschenburg
Student in Painting from Switzerland
In this blog he will show the steps and progress in preparing an exhibition for Kuvan Kevat and share his thoughts and expectations for the exhibition.
Asiasanat: #KuvanKevät
Kuvan Kevät -blogi
Kuvan Kevät -blogissa pääset seuraamaan Kuvataideakatemian maisterinäyttelyyn valmistautuvien opiskelijoiden ajatuksia ja elämää. Blogiin kirjoittavat vuonna 2020 maisteriopiskelijat Eva Lamppu ja Val Smets.
Kuvan Kevät -maisterinäyttelyyn osallistuu pian valmistuvia taiteilijoita Kuvataideakatemian kaikilta opetusalueilta (maalaus, kuvanveisto, taidegrafiikka ja tila-aikataiteet).
Kevään poikkeustilanteen vuoksi Kuvan Kevät on siirretty syksylle 2020 (10.10.-8.11.2020).
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