Remotely at Within Practice Festival
Nordic Choreographic Platform took remotely part to the Within Practice Festival in Stockholm on 5.-10.10.2020.
Nordic Choreographic Platform took remotely part to the Within Practice Festival in Stockholm on 5.-10.10.2020.
Students participated in the Within Practice Festival remotely. Organized by Säfsten Production, the Department of Dance at Stockholm University, MDT and Dansalliansen, the festival in Stockholm focuses on dance practices.
They took part to workshops by artists Michikazu Matsune, Jennifer Lacey, Kristin Ryg Helgebostad, Will Rawls, Rani Nair and Björn Säfsten.
They also followed Eleanor Bauers 80% seminar, presenting her artistic research project on choreo|graphy, which was devided in to two parts: Performative Artistic Research Exposition A lot of moving parts VII (Sleeping Giant Dreams), and Practive-Based Seminar/Discussion choreo |graphy within practice.
Koreografian koulutusohjelman blogi on keskustelun ja jakamisen paikka. Täällä koulutusohjelman opiskelijat, henkilökunta ja vierailijat kirjoittavat koreografiasta, opiskelusta, meneillään olevista projekteista, (tanssi)taiteesta ja sen ympäriltä.
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