Students of Choregraphy Visited the German Dance Platform
Tanzplattform Frankfurt offered performances, history and novelties, discussion and artist talks.

The MA students of Choreography, together with professor Kirsi Monni, visited the German Dance Platform in Frankfurt in the beginnin of March. In three days the saw seven performances, made by both ”contemporary dance superstars” as well as newer faces on the field. The specialty of the program was Staatstheater Darmstadt’s reconstruction of Das Triadische Ballett, originally made in 1922 by Oskar Schlemmer together with other Bauhaus artists.
On their visit, choreography students also participated artist talk and a student led workshop where spectatorship and reflection of art works were discussed and dealt with as well as experienced Eilliam Forsythe’s exhibition The Fact of Matter in Frankfurt’s Museum for Modern Art. The exhibition consisted of performative objects, video installations and interactive environments through which visitors can move freely, becoming players through interaction with the installations.
Koreografian koulutusohjelman blogi on keskustelun ja jakamisen paikka. Täällä koulutusohjelman opiskelijat, henkilökunta ja vierailijat kirjoittavat koreografiasta, opiskelusta, meneillään olevista projekteista, (tanssi)taiteesta ja sen ympäriltä.
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