The Art of Re-Thinking: New Era for Arts Management

The Art of Re-Thinking: New Era for Arts Management is a publication celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Arts Management department at the Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki. It offers 14 professional articles discussing the transformation of the Arts Management field, its relations to society, diversity and sustainability and topics related to creative work, entrepreneurship, marketing and cultural management. The writers represent the alumni, current staff and other professionals related to the Arts Management department at the Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki.
The publication is one of the tangible outcomes of the Arts Management department’s re-thinking processes in the new era of Arts Management. The objective was to celebrate the versatility of Arts Management and people working in it. The publication is edited by Violeta Simjanovska, Head of the Arts Management Department and Toni-Matti Karjalainen, professor. The book shows how versatile and impactful the field of Arts Management is on the practices as well as on research and educational views in arts and culture.
The Art of Re-Thinking: New Era for Arts Management
Eds. Violeta Simjanovska, Toni-Matti Karjalainen
Sibelius Academy Publications 23
ISBN 978-952-329-296-3
ISSN 2341-8257
ISBN 978-952-329-297-0
ISSN 2489-7973
The publication is sold in Ostinato (link)
Read the publication in Taju (link)
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