Klaus Maunuksela: Artistic research is a question to be posed in the form of an intensity
A Q&A with doctoral candidate Klaus Maunuksela, whose artistic background is in dramaturgy, playwriting and literature.

What is the topic of your doctoral research?
My research is titled “Dramaturgical Operations of Linguistic Antiproduction”. I conduct the research by writing and working on collaborative artworks based on novel sound technologies and spatialisation techniques that can be used for composing and decomposing linguistic matter. I explore and conceptualise artistic potential of these extra-textual writing technologies from the perspective of dramaturgy as an expanded field of art that combines elements from different fields such as sound art, contemporary music, performing arts and digital literature.
The critical aim of my research is to observe how language as a form of human activity functions in the processes of cognitive, algorithmic and semiolinguistic capitalism. “Antiproduction” as a term is citation from Anti-Oedipe by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, who discussed the negative role of antiproduction in capitalist mode of production. My aim is to see what kind of transgressive potential it has in the contemporary realm of language and knowledge production, where affective, poetic and material dimensions of human voice and reception are often concealed.
What drew you to pursue doctoral studies?
Reading, critical discussion and theoretical thinking have been an integral part of my practice. This continues to be the case in the context of doctoral studies where the surrounding research community and institutional support now makes it easier to dig deeper into one’s interests. A momentary relief from the rhythm of precarious art work was one of the things that made me want to turn back to studies in the Theatre Academy where I had already done my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in 2012-2018.
What does artistic research mean to you?
Artistic research is a question to be posed in the form of an intensity.
Artistic Research
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