Opera behind the scenes

The Sibelius Academy opera master students write about their experiences and feelings before the premiere

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Henkilöitä esiintyy oopperassa peruukeissa


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  • Bradamante: guerriera innamorata – Female warrior in love

    Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian oopperaopiskelijat, orkesteri ja kuoro esittävät huhtikuussa oman tulkintansa G.F. Händelin oopperasta Alcina. Jokainen opiskelija on perehtynyt oman roolihahmojensa taustoihin ja esittee ne Liisamaija Hautsalon ohjauksessa laadituissa blogikirjoituksissa. Kehittelimme myös kaikille roolihahmoille oman mottolauseen. Isabella Shaw kirjoittaa omasta roolihahmostaan, Bradamantesta.

  • Here and Future – Sibelius Academy Opera studies

    When I first arrived at Sibelius Academy, I had no idea what to expect from either the opera program, or Finland. Moving here to study was an almost complete leap in the dark, guided mostly by instinct and sheer stubbornness.

  • Time for opera!

    “If you ever see a red trumpet, buy it!” (Me at five)

  • How a country boy went from north to south and back again

    As a musician, I have been notoriously bad for dedication. From quitting violin so that I could focus on playing more video games on XBOX (Halo was my favourite), to running offstage in tears as a wee boy in the local Robert Burns singing competition because the pianist started playing in the wrong key. My dedication to the craft was always in question. The love of music however, never left and continued to spark the creativity within me. Whether that was exploring my inner poet, or expressing myself in competitive fighting.

About this blog

In this blog, the Sibelius Academy opera master students write about their experiences before the opera premieres. The texts have been initiated in Liisamaija Hautsalo’s course in which the students are challenged to present the opera background, composers, their own role character and even interview people involved in the opera productions.