When performance

Posts from students and staff of the Live Art and Performance Studies MA programme.

About this blog
Long-haired performer outdoors holding a colourful fabric flapping in the wind above their head.
Photographer: Antti Ahonen


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About this blog

The master’s programme in Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) was launched in 2001 as a Finnish-language degree programme, Esitystaiteen ja -teorian koulutusohjelma. Since 2013, LAPS has been an English-language, international and residential MA programme based in Helsinki. The objective of the programme is to enable artists coming from different environments, classes, cultures and upbringings to focus on their work, develop their research and map out the future of their artistic practice. This blog discloses the various aspects of the LAPS programme, from individual notions and statements by students to providing background for LAPS MA thematic interests.

Learn more about the LAPS programme