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Meet the Theatre Academy’s Student Ambassadors

Student ambassadors Chen and Sointu introduce themselves. Want to ask about theatre, dance or performance studies? You can reach us at: teak.student.ambassadors@uniarts.fi.

Chen, Master’s in Choreography

Languages: English, Hebrew 

I am from Israel, Morocco, Romania. After living here with my partner for about six months, we decided to stay in the area. Having previously learned about the choreography MA program at Uniarts, witnessing numerous performances and various productions, I concluded that it offered an ideal environment for enhancing my creative and choreographic exploration. I saw it as an opportunity to deepen my ongoing research, and network with professionals both locally and internationally. One of my cherished spots in Helsinki is in Laajasalo, by the sea. I have been taking frequent walks with my dog around the area, where we stumbled upon a green area within the forest, offering a view of the sea and its small islands adorned with boats and little houses. Watching my dog explore the shoreline, dipping into the water in search of fish and tracing scents, I would sit beside him, gazing out at the horizon. Whenever I revisit this spot, I’m instantly transported to the moment of now. Being a student ambassador encompasses a wide range of responsibilities for me. I’m involved in organizing social and community events at the university, from planning and coordination to overseeing the event and assisting with registration. However, the most fulfilling aspect of this role for me is providing prospective students with the opportunity to connect with someone who is actively studying at the university. I believe it’s essential for them to have a platform to ask questions and address any concerns they may have. 

Before embarking on my master’s degree in choreography, I was seeking guidance from current students, which proved invaluable in gaining insight into the program’s dynamics and the atmosphere of the university. This role takes on added significance when you come to Finland from vastly different cultural backgrounds, requiring time and patience to acclimate to the weather, social and cultural norms and more. I take this role as an opportunity to try and make welcoming space for individuals from diverse backgrounds, helping them feel included, fostering an environment where questions are encouraged, and ultimately contributing, even in a small way, to cultivating a sense of belonging in their new surroundings. 

Sointu (she/her), MA Dance Performance

Languages: Finnish, English, French and basics in Swedish and Italian

I am from Espoo, Finland. I did my Contemporary Dance BA in London, so I wanted to study my Masters in Finland to be able to network more here. The study program is quite diverse and also we, students, can have a say on, e.g., what kind of teachers we want to invite and what kind of workshops we wish to have. I like the trust and respect that Uniarts has on students in this sense. I really love Theatre Academy’s wardrobe! There’re so many beautiful and interesting pieces of clothing and the staff is super friendly and helpful. Most of all, however,  I love my great classmates who make every day at school wonderful <3 I have a very basic Finn’s answer: my favorite place in Finland is my grandma’s summer cottage. It’s on an island in central Finland, and a real time capsule to the past – there’s no electricity at all and the only way to get there is by rowing boat.

Being a student ambassador is about helping other people, especially those who think of whether they want to apply to Uniarts. We also help the school by working in Uniarts’ events sometimes. This position is also quite new, so we’re also innovating and brainstorming a lot to develop it.

Photography and editing by the Student Ambassadors of the Academy of Fine Arts: Anastasiia Lapteva (@aasyalapteva), Ellenor Rose Nish (@studiomokii), Anna Karima Wane and Rong-Ci Zhang (@rrong.ci.zhang)

Life of an art student

In this blog, Uniarts Helsinki students share their experiences as art students from different academies and perspectives, in their own words. If you want to learn even more regarding studying and student life in Uniarts and Helsinki, you can ask directly from our student ambassadors.

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