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Responses to Open Call #6

Laura Jantunen

I’m mushrooming in the nearby forest that is squeezed between two growing suburbs. Just when I’m about to pick the beautiful black trumpet mushrooms that no one else using the forest has yet spotted I see something moving in my side-eye. There they are moving in a slow, wobbly, fluctuating manner in their sunburned pink outfit. When I approach them quietly I see them placing stones into the ground in the outmost delicate way, like they would be small kittens sleeping. Besides the figure rests two flat stones. For me, they look like shoes ready to rock the wearer into otherwhere.”

Kirsi Heimonen

Suddenly, an instant recognition: something beside this unknown corporeality invites to perceive how the leaves of the lime trees wave at the opposite side of the street. A sound, almost inaudible from those trees echoes from the window, it seeps through the corporeality making bones to dangle. Did a skip emerge? In falling darkness, distances in and outside open into infinity; the breath becomes soft moving quietly around and through the surroundings. The contours of skin blur, names fade, intimacy between all that is around emerges. That which cannot be known calms me down, walking continues.

World­mak­ing and Con­tem­po­rane­ity – 40 years of higher ed­u­ca­tion in Dance and Chore­og­ra­phy

This bilingual publication (Finnish/English) collects and extends traces of a seminar that took place October 23rd at the Theatre Academy (Teak) University of the Arts Helsinki. The seminar was held on the occasion of Teak´s 40th anniversary of higher art education in dance and choreography. Seminar focus was on worldmaking and contemporaneity in dance and choreography in higher art education.

The publication aims at opening the potential for dialogue and conversation about dance and choreography pedagogy in higher art education with a local and international body of readers. Hence the publication may be seen as an opportunity for conversation about dance and choreography training in higher art education beyond the day of the festivity of the 40th anniversary.

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