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SAAR in August 2024 in Finland

This year’s Summer Academy for Artistic research focuses on sharing of methods – methods of sharing.

The Summer Academy for Artistic research SAAR 2024 brings together 25 artist researchers for an intense and stimulating week in August. It is organized by Uniarts Helsinki. The venue for SAAR 2024 is Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, in the city of Espoo. The programme is structured around moments of sharing and moments of collecting.

The program and working methods 2024 have been planned by prof. Mika Elo, prof. Otso Aavanranta and university researcher Pilvi Porkola at Uniarts Helsinki.

You can find the weeks programmeon the SAAR 2024 website Read the programme

The working methods during SAAR 2024 are also described on the website
More information on the working methods

SAAR is a joint Nordic project between the partner countries Finland, Sweden, and Norway.
Read more about the network here

Artistic Research

Artistic research is one of Uniarts Helsinki’s specialities. In this blog you can read about latest activities in the field from our community and guest writers. The blog is currently updated by Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion, the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke and the Centre for Artistic Research (CfAR).

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