Solved by moving – CARPA8 proceedings now published
The Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts CARPA8 took place at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki between August 24–26, 2023. CARPA8 inquired into what happens to artistic research when it takes a dramaturgical twist.

We warmly thank all the authors for their contribution to this publication!
Proceedings of CARPA8: Solvitur Ambulando / Solved by Moving – Dramaturgies of Artistic Research has been published in the online publication series Nivel.
The conference was organised by the Theatre Academy’s Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) in collaboration with the Comparative dramaturgy and performance research programme. This convening, a colloquium and laboratory, brought together two processual activities and kept them in motion: dramaturgy and artistic research. CARPA8 conference had three Plenary Session presentations, 27 other presentations, three Setting Things in Motion and three Overview workshops. The Plenary Session presenters were Synne Behrndt (University of the Arts, Stockholm), Marcela A. Fuentes (Northwestern University) and Hanns Holger Rutz (Gustav Mahler Private University for Music). In addition, the conference arranged Solvitur ambulando outdoor walks in groups and a selection of short film presentations.
Altogether CARPA8 had 90 participants from 22 different countries. The conference committee consisted of Leena Rouhiainen (Chair), Otso Huopaniemi (Chair), Katalin Trencsényi and Jess Applebaum.
Link to proceedings:
Save the date for the next CARPA conference in 2025 in Helsinki
CARPA9 Conference will be held on 28–30 August 2025 at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. It will be organized by the Theatre Academy’s Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) in collaboration with the Design for the performing arts, Sound design, Lighting design and Dance and Theatre Pedagogy programmes as well as the Ecology Research Lab (Griffith University, Australia). The call for presentations will be opened in early September 2024.
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