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Sur­vey for clas­si­cal mu­si­cians

Help us with our research by answering to our survey about coping with the pandemic.

We are conducting research about the challenges that classically-trained musicians faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and Latin America. The project includes a survey for data gathering and its results will be helpful to know if and how musicians’ practice routines changed across the stages of the pandemic, understanding that there are diverse factors affecting such motivation. 

We encourage the Sibelius Academy members to complete and forward the questionnaire to any professional performing musicians within the classical music industry, including: concert soloists (instrumental/vocal), chamber musicians (instrumental), ensemble singers, orchestral musicians, and choir singers.

The deadline for the survey is June 30, 2021 and it takes about 15-20 minutes to answer the complete survey. You can answer anonymously.

The study has a research plan that follows the ethical principles of research in the humanities and social and behavioral sciences issued by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research integrity. Ethicality of the study was reviewed by the Ethical Review Committee at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland on 19.4.2021.

For more information, you can contact Dr. Guadalupe López-Íñiguez (Sibelius Academy, Finland)

Art makes a difference

Taidekasvatuksen tutkimusverkosto CERADAn blogista löydät verkoston uutiset, tapahtumat ja puheenvuorot. Verkoston tutkijat kirjoittavat taidekasvatuksen tutkimuksesta sekä taidealan korkea-asteen koulutuksen tutkimusperustaisesta kehittämisestä. Tutkimusverkosto on osa Taideyliopiston Tutkimusinstituuttia.

Research network CERADA’s blog offers news and views about how research into arts education can have an impact on society. CERADA researchers at Uniarts Helsinki blog about their work. The research network is part of Uniarts Helsinki Research Institute.

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