The Water Carries me
Neill Lin asks what is an eco-feminist approach towards the architecture of water. What are alternative stories of water in trans-national cultural bodies? What space can water inspire? Lin is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

Description of the essay film project
“The Water Carries me” is the second chapter of my on-going essay film project “The Taste Of Ice Cream”(a triplet), a project supported by Professor Jean May Tsiang Foundation, CNEX, TaiwanPlus, the Ministry of Culture, R.O.C., Taiwan Textile Federation, R.O.C. through a short film funding competition called Taiwan Pitch. The first chapter of the project, titled The Water Dress was completed in late October, 2022. “The Water Carries me” continues the journey of the narrator to dive into a series of reflections about water and water relationships. How to read water? And even more intriguing, where will the water carry me?
Design of garment, training and performance underwater, as well as research and writing about water will be central to this phase of “The Water Carries me”’s development. I am inquiring the in-transitions from “the political” to “the ecological”. I am thinking about the invisibilities of nations, nationalities, and the visibilities of borders, boundaries. I am also thinking about how water is everywhere yet sometimes nowhere to be seen, only sensed and felt. I am thinking about how water can fold and unfold like waves hitting shore or tides come and go. I am thinking about how the smell of natural wine brings my mind to lake water because traces of sulfur dioxide left in the wine-making process. I am closing my eyes above water. The scent carries me elsewhere.
I will enter “the elsewhere” from three angles in layers of water bodies: water control, water governance, water carriers.
Artist profile
Neill Lin is a multidisciplinary artist experimenting with non-linear, transdisciplinary ways of filmmaking with sound, garment, performance. They are drawn towards the gentleness that occurs when poetics of relation are in praxis of making, the momentary blue during northern twilight, making wood fire, tasting snow, deep skin dive in the Ocean. Their works have been exhibited and screened at Haus Der Statistic, Kunstkraftwerk, Helmut Space, HerðubreiðGallery, Songshan CultureWarehouse, PKTV, DahabFilmFest, HorseWhale-Or Hrosshvalr Pier Show.
Neill Lin’s Research Pavilion residence will take place in Saari Residence from 16 May to 28 May 2023.
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