Weather Stop Fiction Stop
The Fiction Group – Adam Kaasa, Nicky Coutts and Jessica Wiesner – writes to prompts as its art fiction method. There will be two devices to navigate the week in Kallio-Kuninkala as generative research in progress: the impulses of punctuation and of weather. The members of the Fiction Group are artists-in-residence in Research Pavilion #5.

Durational fictioning project
Weather Stop Fiction Stop, is a durational fictioning that will take place during a research week at the Kallio-Kuninkala Residency. There will be two devices to navigate the week as generative research in progress: the impulses of punctuation and of weather. Both devices open up means of crossing, connecting, extending, eliding, containing, and spilling out and in through the multiples of the seemingly disparate and individuated fictionings. Fiction in this context is a foggy technology of scale, transgressing relations of size, distance, volume, or comparison through the climatic conditions of punctuation.
The Fiction Group writes to prompts as its art fiction method. We recognize that the question of the ‘prompt’ acts as a metaphor for both being ‘puzzled together’, and the act of puzzling. Each member suggests a text, image, sound, place (the prompts are always evolving) and the group participants respond individually in writing. The texts are then collectively discussed. We approach this as a radical archival gesture for thinking about how knowledge exists, is presented, animated, reconfigured, and how we might expand the process through altering the conventions of knowledge. Language and its deployment are key, and the group use the language of fiction to write syntactically to the possibilities of ‘found’ objects and beginnings. We would like to expand the language of fiction from text to new experiments in voice and gesture.
The Fiction Group
Adam Kaasa
Nicky Coutts
Jessica Wiesner
The residence will take place in Kallio-Kuninkala from 15 to 21 May 2023.
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