Adventures in the world (of music)

When I was three years old, I announced to my parents that I knew small violins existed and that I wanted to learn how to play the instrument. At the time my parents thought I was too young, so I was put into a music playschool where I sang a lot. Around the same time I also got introduced to opera, and my favourite film for a while was a VHS of an old 80s Savonlinna Opera Festival production of Die Zauberflöte. Two years later my parents finally gave in and I started having violin lessons at the Turku Conservatory. My love of music really started flourishing.
Most of my childhood and youth I was playing in orchestras and chamber ensembles and tried different instruments, such as the cello and piano. Basically, most of my life after school revolved around activities at the Conservatory. At 15 I finally got to start singing lessons and soon after that I realised that was what I wanted to study and do professionally.
At 19 I moved to Manchester, England to study singing at the Royal Northern College of Music. Studying there pushed me far forward as a musician and I felt like I was truly out of my comfort zone having moved to a different country straight from high school. It was as if I went through a full identity change from a violinist to a singer. It made me realise for the first time how much having an instrumental background helped me.
I graduated with a First Class Honours degree in July 2018. I decided to take a year out of an educational establishment after graduating and audition for Postgraduate studies the following year. Luckily, I managed to keep focused and here I am now! I feel like my year outside of the University environment only made me more dedicated and passionate. Now, I cannot wait to see what happens next and feel so privileged and happy to be studying on the Opera Programme at the Sibelius Academy.
Teksti: Stella Tähtinen
Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian vuonna 2019 opintonsa aloittanut uusi oopperaensemble astuu ensi kertaa lavalle marraskuun lopussa. Sempre, sempre! tarjoaa kohtauksia ja aarioita eri oopperoista. Esitykset 28., 29.ja 30.11. 2019.
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