Should I stay or should I go…
Almost 4 months have come and gone and I still haven’t written a single post. This morning I start thinking about what I would like to share: maybe the first days of the lockdown? But it seems so far and closes at the same time. Weird feeling.
Meanwhile, I will soon have to write my master thesis and also need to travel in the time, to reach all the different emotions and state of the process from my work. So I guess it would be good training.
So here we are,
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back on Sunday, 15 March.
It’s 16h15. Boarding in 15 minutes.
Right now, I’m waiting at Luxembourg airport to go back to Helsinki. I’ve just spent a 4-day-weekend with my friends and family. I went to some art opening on Thursday then danced all night with some friends as if it was the last day of our life. Guess what? The pubs are now shut down at 10 pm since Friday so we did it right. I was supposed to have a date on Friday, we would have met for a concert, but it has been canceled. Saturday and today were with my family. I found some old board games in the basement so my dad and I started to piece together a picture puzzle until I had to leave to the airport.
More and more people start to stay at home and buy toilet paper.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m afraid that the whole world will close the country borders and I won’t be able to see my family anymore. Should I call my mum and say that I stay here? The Clash song resonates in my mind… Should I stay or should I go…
I will have to quarantine anyway when I arrive in Helsinki. No friends, no puzzle, and being alone for 14 days. Or maybe longer? But I need to work on the graduation show which is on May… And I want to paint. If I get isolated for 14 days I would at least need my brushes, colors, and staple machine. I could quickly go tomorrow to school to take my painting material then to the shop for some plastic protection to cover my floor apartment.
Let’s go back to Helsinki, paint, feed my plants.
« You can’t have your cake and eat it »

On Monday 16 March, the school announced to close its facilities, and the Finnish government brought some severe restrictions to cross-border traffic.
Kuvan Kevät -blogi
Kuvan Kevät -blogissa pääset seuraamaan Kuvataideakatemian maisterinäyttelyyn valmistautuvien opiskelijoiden ajatuksia ja elämää. Blogiin kirjoittavat vuonna 2020 maisteriopiskelijat Eva Lamppu ja Val Smets.
Kuvan Kevät -maisterinäyttelyyn osallistuu pian valmistuvia taiteilijoita Kuvataideakatemian kaikilta opetusalueilta (maalaus, kuvanveisto, taidegrafiikka ja tila-aikataiteet).
Kevään poikkeustilanteen vuoksi Kuvan Kevät on siirretty syksylle 2020 (10.10.-8.11.2020).
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