Time for opera!
”If you ever see a red trumpet, buy it!” (Me at five)

My name is Jasper Leppänen. I am a singer and musician from Tampere. Music and theatre have always been a part of my life. I started playing the trumpet when I was a kid after seeing a shiny red trumpet in the window of a music store. Not quite the instrument my parents were thinking about but I was sold and since then I’ve played and performed music in different forms.
My first experiences in a professional theatre were when I was ten years old. In a way I feel like there wasn’t much deciding when I started to pursue becoming a professional musician after high school. After studying the trumpet for couple of years singing took over. In the end I graduated from the conservatory with two degrees. While I was studying music I also did studies of musical theatre and worked on stage. This time really made me sure that theatre is where I would like to work in “when I grow up”.
I see opera and musical theatre as an art form where music can be utilized to the fullest. In those art forms text, rhythm and harmony can all be used in such a vast variety of ways to describe emotion or progress drama. What I want to bring to opera is my experience in multiple fields of music and music theatre. I also want to challenge myself and try to find everything that is possible in opera.
Teksti: Jasper Leppänen
Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian vuonna 2019 opintonsa aloittanut uusi oopperaensemble astuu ensi kertaa lavalle marraskuun lopussa. Sempre, sempre! tarjoaa kohtauksia ja aarioita eri oopperoista. Esitykset 28., 29.ja 30.11. 2019.
Tässä blogissa uusi oopperaluokka esittäytyy ennen astumistaan Musiikkitalon Sonore-salin lavalle!
Oopperaa kulissien takana
Tässä blogissa Sibelius-Akatemian 2,5-vuotisessa maisterikoulutuksessa opiskelevat nuoret laulajat kirjoittavat kokemuksistaan ennen oopperaluokan lähestyviä ensi-iltoja. Tekstit ovat syntyneet muun muassa FT Liisamaija Hautsalon vetämällä kurssilla, jossa opiskelijat haastetaan kirjoittamaan oopperan taustoista, säveltäjistä tai vaikkapa omasta roolihahmostaan ja haastattelemaan oopperaproduktiossa työskenteleviä henkilöitä.
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