Working life studies boosting your future

Boost your future career networking event was organized 15 November 2023 for the third time, this time together with Uniarts Helsinki and Globe Art Point. The aim of the event was to boost career competencies and encourage professional collaboration of international and national students, artists and cultural workers who want to make Finland their home.
We thank for the opportunity to take part of the event as an organizer as well as a stand holder. The need for support for the independent arts sector arose both in the panel discussions and in the discussions at the stand.
We would also like to thank the participants of the event for the interesting discussions!

The event created a space for dialogue through panels and open networking
The panel discussions will be shared on the University of the Arts Youtube channel. Follow this blog for up-to-date information.

Working life studies for art professionals free of charge
In an increasingly busy world, crystalizing your own skills in a concise form is more relevant than ever. The pre-event workshop “Verbalize your creative skills and learn to pitch your ideas”, gave participants a chance to practice pitching and performing skills as well as summarising a creative idea under the guidance of pitching coach Elsa Ervasti.
You can learn more about verbalization of artist’s creative skills and competence on the online course. Check all the English working life courses free of charge here. The course selection for summer 2024 will be published on 19 March 2024 at 3:00 PM.
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Do you need help with choosing open Uniarts university working-life courses and planning your studies? We offer personal guidance meetings during application periods!
The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that the chosen courses support your personal development and goals in the best possible way. Meetings are instructed by Project Manager Anu Falck. The 30 min meetings will take place on Teams.
Photos: Anastasia Lapteva and Rong-Ci Zhang
Avoimen kampuksen blogi
Tässä blogissa julkaistaan Taideyliopiston Avoimen kampuksen toimintaan ja kursseihin liittyviä kirjoituksia sekä avoimen yliopiston kursseilla syntyneitä tekstejä.
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