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Tutustu suomalaisen taideopetuksen muisteluihin Riku Hämäläisen blogissa.
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Tutustu suomalaisen taideopetuksen muisteluihin Riku Hämäläisen blogissa.
Tietoa blogistaThe concert hall is a window into society, and the café is a gathering place for students and staff.
In connection with the renovations, a chamber music hall was built, and the teaching facilities were thoroughly renovated.
With practical experience, there was a need to upgrade facilities and correct deficiencies.
Over the decades, the house has faced both bombings and the coronavirus pandemic.
The distinctive architecture of the house did not meet everyone’s expectations, and the architect’s fee was considered too high.
High expectations were set for the concert hall and its functionality was evaluated already in the very first concert.
The house was completed in the fall of 1931, but it was officially inaugurated in May of the following year.
The construction phases progressed briskly despite minor difficulties.
The house of music was eagerly expected, and the press closely followed its completion.
The state assisted in the construction of the building, but finance for its interior had to be obtained by other means.
Tässä blogissa Riku Hämäläinen kirjoittaa Taideyliopiston muistitietohankkeen vaiheista. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on kerätä entisten ja nykyisten opettajien, oppilaiden ja muun henkilökunnan muisteluita taideopetuksen historiasta, arjesta, toiminnasta, sattumuksista, jne. tulevaisuuden tutkimuksia varten. Filosofian tohtori, dosentti Riku Hämäläinen toimii Historiafoorumin yliopistotutkijana. Hän johtaa muistitietohanketta, johon kuuluu niin uuden aineiston kerääminen kuin jo olemassa olevan arkistomateriaalin saatavuuden parantaminen.