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Let that sink in: An artistic-pedagogical event in autumn 2023

See video of the event that was organised in October 2023.

Artistic-pedagogical event in autumn 2023

The artistic-pedagogical event ‘Let that sink in’ of the Master’s Degree Programmes in Dance Pedagogy and Theatre Pedagogy at Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki took place 11th to 12th October 2023. The four group-based performances of the event had features of participatory and immersive art; audience members were invited to hang out and act in the multisensory worlds created by the performances.

The video was made by Jonas Kukkonen.

The artistic-pedagogical event is based on the idea of performance as a situation in which different opportunities for interaction, encounter and change are explored and tested. In the process of making the event, questions of shared authorship were approached through dance, theatre and performance art. The teachers of the course were Kristina Junttila, Kenneth Siren, Irene Kajo and Liisa Jaakonaho. 

Read more about the event here. 

Application period for the Master’s Degree Programmes in Dance Pedagogy and Theatre Pedagogy is 3.–17.1.2024.  

Living art pedagogy

A blog of dance pedagogy and theatre pedagogy master’s programmes in which teachers, students, and alumni talk and write about performing arts pedagogy, studying and teaching. The blog contains texts and podcasts.

Elävää taidepedagogiikkaa

Tanssinopettajan ja teatteriopettajan maisteriohjelmien blogi, jossa ohjelmissa opettajat, opiskelijat ja alumnit puhuvat ja kirjoittavat esittävän taiteen pedagogiikasta, opiskelusta ja opettamisesta. Blogi sisältää tekstejä ja podcasteja.

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