Welcome to join Georgie Goater’s online practice session on Sensing in Between: This moving body with ______
How can diversity and difference be met within one’s own body and self in relation with other, through movement tasks and practices? You are invited to join Georgie Goater’s session on Sat, 16th Oct 2021 from 9.00 – 10:30am GMT+3h.

Inclusive dance practices asking how does bodily experience unfold through the interrelational senses with the living and inanimate world? How does a pedagogical approach serve the process and satisfaction of performing / creating artistic work?
Georgie Goater’s session is the first in Peda Practice Network’s series. Please sign up by sending an e-mail to nora.varga@uniarts.fi. You will receive a Zoom link to join the session.
About Goater
“A dancer, collaborator and teacher from New Zealand, I came to do my MA at TeaK seeking to deepen my knowledge and facilitation skills in the dance and art filed. I also came for the experience abroad. During my studies between 2016 and 2019, I dived into my artistic pedagogical interests in inclusive dance practices with dis/abled and non-disabled performers. Following my intuitive interests in process philosophy, along with phenomenology and dialogical approaches, paved my research and practice towards my end work. Materiality of body, object and language, and the life in-between, became a tugging thread in a bilingual co-creation process with classmate Elina Sarno and the working group members of diverse physical and cognitive embodiments, as well as nonhuman performers in our shared performance work ‘Patella – floating bone ’.
I am still fascinated by the artistic and social landscapes of accessibility and inclusion, where normative ways of knowing are decentralised and difference is at the heart of embodied learning experiences. I am currently working with Helsinki-based inclusive performance company Kaaos, and developing artistic and pedagogical work towards future collaborations.”
Visit Georgie Goater’s website
Find out more about Goater’s project: This Body With____

Living art pedagogy
A blog of dance pedagogy and theatre pedagogy master’s programmes in which teachers, students, and alumni talk and write about performing arts pedagogy, studying and teaching. The blog contains texts and podcasts.
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