(Your) room for pedagogical development with Olga Potapova
Welcome to research the ageing body in movement – and how balletic principles translate into a personal practice!
Olga will facilitate the second session of the (Your) Room for pedagogical development series on Saturday, October 16th, at 18:00-19:30 (Finnish time, UTC/GMT +3:00 hours). Participation on the sessions is free of charge.
Sign up to the online session by sending an e-mail to: nora.varga@uniarts.fi. You will receive a link to the session to your email.
About Potapova
“I am a traditionally trained classical dancer, originally from Moscow, Russia. My development as a dancer and an artist naturally brought me into work with contemporary forms of movement and bodily practices. I like working with interdisciplinary projects, where there is a possibility to share my expertise with professionals of other fields in order to learn from each other and find a surprising synergetic outcome. This year also marks 10 years of my work as a pedagogue.
The research interests and a crave for a more systematic and up-to-date academic knowledge made me come to study at Master Programme in Dance Pedagogy at Teatterikorekeakoulu . Studying successfully helped me to strengthen my standpoints both as an artist and a pedagogue, as well as gave me many interesting experiences of interdisciplinarity. I believe, the life in Finland and the powerful influence of the local nature have also changed me professionally and personally.
I have spent a significant part of my childhood dancing in the forest, and now, after many years of performing in different contexts for unbelievably diverse audiences, I like the idea of returning to dancing for everything and nobody. In the times when many of us are physically and emotionally drained, I want to research what dancing with minimal resources has to give us. Coming from my own “old” ballet body, I am drawing a connection to overall ageing in movement. In this workshop I would like to invite you to research how a small movement of balletic background could serve as an expressive tool or a meaningful practice.”
Living art pedagogy
A blog of dance pedagogy and theatre pedagogy master’s programmes in which teachers, students, and alumni talk and write about performing arts pedagogy, studying and teaching. The blog contains texts and podcasts.
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