(Your) room for pedagogical development with Yuko Takeda
The Body of PresenceWhat does it mean to be present in performing? How does presence come about? Join us to learn about the bodily practice to ponder on presence led by Yuko Takeda.

Yuko will facilitate the second session of the (Your) Room for pedagogical development series on Saturday, November 13th, at 18:00-19:30 (Finnish time, UTC/GMT +2:00 hours). Participation on the sessions is free of charge.
Sign up to the online session by sending an e-mail to: nora.varga@uniarts.fi. You will receive a link to the session to your email.
In my session, the participants will be introduced to a few simple exercises to sensitize and attune the body for deeper listening. Then we will explore how we can nurture presence and how it influences one’s creative instincts and experiences of performing. No previous experience in performing needed. Just a little bit of curiosity will go a long way- welcome
About Takeda
“I have been a professional actor and theatre pedagogue for some years in Finland. Throughout the years, I’ve not only worked on various genres and types of theatre, but also collaborated with artists from different fields in interdisciplinary projects. Those diverse experiences expanded and enriched my understanding of what a performer is and can do. Especially, I’ve been fascinated by the presence of a performer. It is satisfying, nourishing and transformative on many levels when the performer is present in the time and space that is shared by others. I consider it as the most fundamental and unifying aspect in a performance. So, what consists of such presence? There could be as many elements and approaches to it as there are performers. But I’d say that a good place to start is the body.

Living art pedagogy
A blog of dance pedagogy and theatre pedagogy master’s programmes in which teachers, students, and alumni talk and write about performing arts pedagogy, studying and teaching. The blog contains texts and podcasts.
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