Artistic Research

Writings about contemporary topics, latest events and activities in artistic research.

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Person watching a video installation wearing a headset. Located in the Theatre Academy's premises.


Show: All CfAR Research Pavilion SAAR Tutke
  • Taiteellinen tutkimus tarvitsee keskustelua taidekentän, yleisöjen ja muiden tieteiden kanssa

    Taiteilija-tutkijan henkilökohtainen kehitys voi toimia relevanttina tiedon lähteenä, kun hän samalla tunnistaa historiallisen paikantuneisuutensa sekä oman taiteenalan jatkumossa että yhteiskunnassa, kirjoittaa Teatterikorkeakoulun tutkimuksesta vastaava varadekaani Laura Gröndahl. Teksti on osa blogisarjaa, jossa asiantuntijamme pohtivat taiteellisen tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksia ja olemusta.

  • Four perspectives in defining, renewing, and developing artistic research

    Art has the potential to play a significant role in aiding our transition to a more responsible relationship with the Earth. To substantiate this claim, we must conduct research, specifically artistic research, to define how art can drive this essential transformation, writes Associate Professor Raisa Foster as a part of a blog series where experts in artistic research delve into the essence of artistic research.

  • SAAR 2024 in Finland

    The Summer Academy for Artistic research will bring together doctoral researchers and supervisors for an intense and stimulating week in August in Finland.

  • Taiteilija-tutkija on tuntoisen asiantuntija

    Professori Otso Aavanranta aloittaa asiantuntijoidemme blogikirjoitussarjan taiteellisen tutkimuksen olemuksesta.

  • Solved by moving – CARPA8 proceedings now published

    The Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts CARPA8 took place at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki between August 24–26, 2023. CARPA8 inquired into what happens to artistic research when it takes a dramaturgical twist.

  • Sydney Erlikh examines dance and disability

    As an educator, doctoral candidate Erlikh continually noticed a lack of dance opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities in the United States.

  • Työpaja sanojen väliin jäävistä tiloista

    Nora Rinteen teksti työpajasta Tutkimuspaviljongissa.

  • Update on SAAR 2023

    SAAR 2023 takes place at Raulandsakademiet in Telemark, Norway, on 12-19 August 2023

  • Jamie MacDonald investigates emotions in stand-up comedy

    Interviewing doctoral candidate Jamie MacDonald, whose background is in performance, stand-up comedy, theatre and larp.

  • Summer Academy for Artistic Research 2023

    Summer Academy for Artistic Research (SAAR) is a joint Nordic project between the partner countries Finland, Sweden, and Norway.

  • Looking at complex geographies through posthuman visualities – The Polar Silk Road

    Elena Mazzi asks how posthuman visualities can bring to light the deep environmental, social, political and economic changes that are currently affecting the Arctic regions. Mazzi is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • Maasuhteita

    Noora Sandgren tutkii maasuhteita erilaisten kehojen yhteisaineenvaihduntaan keskittyen. Hän on yksi viidennen Tutkimuspaviljongin residenssitaiteilijoista.

  • Slippery Theories of Togetherness: A Sonic Proposition

    Hannah Rowan’s and Anastasia (A) Khodyreva’s research and material practices look at the phase change in matter, particularly ice and other water phases, to think about how slipperiness relates to durational, relational, and response-able practice of togetherness. The duo are artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • The Water Carries me

    Neill Lin asks what is an eco-feminist approach towards the architecture of water. What are alternative stories of water in trans-national cultural bodies? What space can water inspire? Lin is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • Obreras

    Camila Flores Fernandez’s work was born out of her anthropological research and collective art creation with Afroperuvian women peasant (field) workers of the community of El Carmen, Chincha, Southern coastal Peru. “Obreras” is a work-in-process meant to be an artistic installation composed of spoken words, written words and audiovisual footage. Flores Fernandez is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • entanglement

    Agata Ruchlewicz Dzianach asks at which point, as humans, we have forgotten that we are part of nature. For this purpose, she will create a haptic archive where the textures of the human skin and the fragments of the natural environment are juxtaposed and mixed losing their origins. Ruchlewicz Dzianach is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • Night Boats: The case of Golden Princess

    Toni Brell and Angeliki Tzortzakaki will tell stories of socio-geo-ecological entanglements through the fictionalised setting of a night boat, inspired by the multilayered history of the Finlandia cruise ship that between 1975 and 1988 sailed around the Baltic Sea under different identities. Wrapped into the format of a ghost sea-vessel story, they will research and speak about the changing landscapes and scenarios that we are haunted by due to a perennial planetary crisis. Brell and Tzortzakaki are artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • Children of Compost: physical and conceptual humus shaped into a fanzine

    Sara Blosseville’s project is about retracing the material history of her female elders through sculpture. It explores the idea of our shared kind as a fertile humus, including the other species and the materiality surrounding us in generational heritage, which make us and the future world, as much as other humans. Blosseville is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • The Holobiont That Therefore I Am

    Bárbara Sánchez Barroso wants to tell a new evolutionary story, in which emerging, more profound relationships with animals and other more-than-human entities could be established. Barroso is one of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5.

  • Common Sense

    Sara Bédard-Goulet and Damien Beyrouthy’s project builds on epistemological and artistic practices to propose different situations to puzzle over a set of images from the internet that have no apparent relationship between them. These situations allow for discussions on current challenges through discussing the images, thus creating relational knowledge that reflect a plurality of perspectives. Bédard-Goulet and Beyrouthy are two of the artists-in-residence of Research Pavilion #5 .

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About this blog

Artistic research is one of Uniarts Helsinki’s specialities. In this blog you can read about latest activities in the field from our community and guest writers. The blog is currently updated by Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion, the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke and the Centre for Artistic Research (CfAR).

What is artistic research?

Taiteellinen tutkimus on yksi yliopistomme erityispiirre. Lue blogista yliopistoyhteisömme ja vierailijoiden kirjoituksia ja ajatuksia taiteellisen tutkimuksen ajankohtaisista ilmiöistä ja tapahtumista. Blogia päivittää tällä hetkellä Taideyliopiston Tutkimuspaviljonki, Esittävien taiteiden tutkimuskeskus Tutke ja Taiteellisen tutkimuksen tutkimuskeskus (CfAR).